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Raven Quest NFT Game: Best Free-To-Play And Play-To-Earn

Play-to-Earn (P2E) games earned around $2.5 billion in capital market in the first quarter of 2022. it is expected to surpass $10 billion by the time the year’s end, according to the latest reports from dAppRadar as well as the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA). The exponential growth in blockchain gaming investment has attracted many developers and companies to develop their own games based on blockchain.

But, the majority of Blockchain games that are currently out or in development are either insubstantial auto-play simulators or do not have any real playability. It’s not unusual that gaming communities and token holders could disappear within months of the launch of a game. This will render the investment worthless and the game ineffective. This can be a problem in the long run for Blockchain-based games. While integrating blockchain-related functions is essential, long-term adoption can only be made by ensuring that game developers and game companies are more focused on developing the best game possible rather than making blockchain-related features work.

Raven Quest is a GameFi initiative that is focused on creating a blockchain-based MMORPG. It will allow for long-term blockchain adoption within the gaming industry. The Play-to-Earn incentive model can also be utilized to draw players into Raven Quest.

What exactly is Raven Quest and how can you be of assistance?

Raven Quest is an open-world game that lets players play and earn. It makes use of the polygon blockchain and provides an open, decentralized gaming experience in which users can claim the land they want and construct their own farms and homes. The game is the first to be free to play and offers a much higher quality of play than the majority of blockchain games , which require you to purchase NFT or other cryptocurrency in order to access the game.

Raven Quest allows players the ability to collect NFTs which can be combined into powerful weapons, and then traded on NFT markets. Furthermore, players can accumulate Ravencards to make custom NFT gaming characters.

Raven Quest’s open-ended design allows players to play as they want in an immersive, dynamic, evolving environment that is full of stories and puzzles. It also comes with an efficient player-driven economy that is powered by self-balancing algorithm.

Raven Quest’s Tokenomics

The way that a game’s tokenomics is implemented in a GameFi project is an important aspect of its long-term success, especially if it’s an MMORPG. Raven Quest has a single tokenomics system and a community-driven economy which makes use of its self-balancing algorithms , known as the Tradepack system.

$SBT Token:

Raven Quest incentivizes its players by offering Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT) cryptocurrency tokens. Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT), which are gold coins, are traded on the marketplace for in-game currency.

RavenQuest’s daily $SBT limit is determined by the amount of activities you and your community participate in, and the amount of the passive income that they generate.

RavenQuest realizes that inflation will continue to increase, so there isn’t any fixed exchange rate between the two currencies of Gold and $SBT. Instead, the game offers the players a daily, predetermined prize of $SBT that is regularly divided among all players that have completed activities and created gold during game play time.

You can also exchange USD for cash in the real world, or utilize it to boost Gold earning potential by purchasing Estates, Mounts, Ships & Wagons, Workers, Ravencards as well as other game items.

The Takeaway: Raven Quest Release Date

Raven Quest will release in the third or fourth quarter of 2022. The game has been developed over the last five years, and is already playing with an extensive online community.

For more information, click NFT game