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Recognize The Signs: Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome) – Every Second Counts

Infantile spasms also known as West syndrome is a rare and severe epilepsy type that affects babies. These seizures are brief and repetitive, but they can cause permanent developmental issues when not treated and diagnosed promptly. As a parent you must be aware of the symptoms of infantile spasms could have a profound impact to your child’s development.

The signs and symptoms of infantile spasms. warning signs to watch out for

Infantile spasms are often subtle and can be mistaken as normal infant movements. There are some specific warning signs to look out for.

Rapid jerks. The spasms can be felt in the neck or upper part of a baby, which prompts them to quickly turn inward. Arms and legs may be able to extend or bend quickly.

Clustered episodes : These are jerks that occur in groups of several spasms in short periods of time (seconds to minute). The spasms in these clusters may happen throughout the day.

Change in expression Babies might cry or look agitated during exaggerated movements.

The Power of Video The Power of Video: Capturing Infantile spasms for an early diagnosis

It is imperative to act fast if you think your child is experiencing infantile spasms. Early diagnosis and treatment are dependent on each and every minute. Video recording could save your life:

Visual evidence. The recording of your child’s having the spasms for a long time can be incredibly useful to doctors in diagnosing the condition. These small events can not be noticed during a physician’s appointment.

Accurate diagnosis: A clear and precise video lets doctors accurately diagnose infantile spasms and differentiate them from other types of seizures as well as normal baby movements.

Rapider treatment: A rapid diagnosis enables treatment to begin swiftly, potentially minimizing the risk of delays in development that can be caused by non-treated infantile spasms.

If you suspect that your child is having spasms, act immediately.

If you witness your baby experiencing suspected infantile spasms:

Create the video. Utilize your camera or smartphone to capture as many details of the spasms you experience as you can.

Call your pediatrician immediately: Getting your child seen by a pediatrician can be crucial. Make sure to share the video and talk about your concerns.

It is important to seek emergency medical attention, if required. If you are unable to reach your pediatric physician immediately, bring your baby and the video to an emergency center nearby for children.

Early intervention is crucial in ensuring your child’s future

Infantile spasms could be the cause to cause significant developmental delays and can cause a wide range of issues, including autism spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy. It is crucial to identify your child’s symptoms quickly and intervene immediately to maximize the chances of recovery and milestones for your child. The treatment for infantile spasms is by a variety of methods such as diet and lifestyle changes to pharmaceuticals. For more serious cases it may require surgery. If you can address this issue through appropriate medical management early enough parents will increase the chances of minimizing long-term effects and helping their child along his or her path to better cognitive and motor function. Learn more here Infantile Spasms Videos

Do not ignore the instincts of your body if you suspect that something is not right with your child. Always be on guard. By being aware of the signs of infantile spasms, recording a video when you see the signs, and seeking immediate medical attention, you are able to be proactive in ensuring your child’s health as well as his future wellbeing.