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What is Latency? How Latency Works

Latency is the measure of the time it takes for your computer and all other equipment to respond to the action of clicking an online link. While this isn’t a problem for most people’s Spotify listening and video streaming, it could be a problem for gamers who use satellite internet. Satellite internet works more precisely than wired connections. This can cause a slow performance in games due to high rates of loss of data packets from lengthy pings.

The difference in latency is the way you feel your input (in this case, an anchor) and how quickly it’s delivered to other people. This is a major issue if you’re playing online video games or playing YouTube videos. It could affect the responsiveness of your device since things might not be as accurate as they ought to be.

What’s the cause of the latency?

The issue of latency is a major pain factor for gamers as well as other users who wish to stream their favorite media on in the field. Your latency is affected by the distance between your computer and server. Also, Wi-Fi’s strength or type may affect the speed. It could also be contingent on which modem/router combination someone utilizes – there are many out these days! Don’t be alarmed if it seems complicated at first.


Latency is the duration required for information to travel from one location to get to the next. This refers to how far your system is from the server(s) that provide the data requested by your machine. If the distance isn’t enough, then you’ll experience an increase in latency.

Propagation Delay

One of the primary elements in determining how much delay you experience while browsing on your computer or mobile device is known as “propagation delay.” It’s easy to see this as a single factor but it is a factor in every other measure of the speed of connection and bandwidth we consider, including download speeds (because these depend on getting data packets back from where they’re sent) and uploads that depend upon having an enabled network interface card the same goes when connecting wirelessly.

Types of Internet connections

There are significant differences in latency between internet connections. Cable and DSL have less time to download, while fiber has the highest average. Satellite tends to be slow due to its design which needs more space for transmission. This causes delays in waiting times as well as an increase in buffering capability on websites users require access to music videos or files.

What’s on a site?

Have you ever clicked one of those links only to wait several minutes before it loaded? That was because they were trying to make their Angelfire website look nice. It was filled with The Office memes, so each time you visit it it takes more time than normal.

When you browse a website with large files like HD videos or images, your web browser needs to download these files. And if they are hosted on an external server located far from where you’re in the moment, there may be some latency thanks for the distance.

For more information, click high latency