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I Bet City

Why You Need A Whelping Box

If you’re a breeder, then you understand that whelping is an essential step in the life of a dog. If this is your first time breeding dogs, you might be wondering what need to do to prepare for the whelping process. Breeders who plan to have a litter of puppies will require whelping boxes. The boxes are not just for providing the mother with a secure environment and litter, they help regulate temperature and keep the puppies warm. They typically have a raised edge to protect the mother from falling over her pups Some also feature heated pads that help keep them warm. They are generally born blind and deaf It is therefore essential to select a whelping area that is well-lit and quiet so that they can adjust to their new environment. Whelping boxes provide a safe, clean space where dogs can give birth and protect the dam and her puppies from possible dangers.

A whelping box is a fenced-in space that is used to confine mother dogs during the last days of her pregnancy and during the initial weeks of her puppies and their lives. Whelping bags aren’t an expensive purchase, but there are numerous advantages to it.

Easy to put together

As every breeder is aware the delicate whelping process that requires careful supervision. Whelping boxes are a valuable tool to provide a secure environment for puppies and mothers. They are easy to assemble and quickly taken apart for cleaning or storage.


The whelping box is an antibacterial treatment that aids to eradicate germs and bacteria. It is specifically designed to be utilized in the whelping area and keeps it in a clean and hygiene. It is safe to use for dogs and puppies. Box is effective in killing bacteria and controlling the growth of mildew and mold. It’s ideal for use at homes that have pets as well as being used in commercial settings like kennels, veterinary clinics. Whelping boxes are an essential device for any pet owner who wishes to provide a clean and safe space for their pets.

Help contain the chaos

If you are raising puppies then a whelping container could be a useful method to keep the mess in check. The puppies need to stay in a safe place for the first few weeks. You can keep your puppies warm and dry with the whelping container. It can also allow you to set them up in an area safe from foot traffic. The whelping box is essential as it helps contain the mess caused by having puppies. You need to be able to control the mess that puppies produce. The ideal solution is a whelping bag.


Whelping boxes are secure and comfortable for both the babies and mothers. The sides of the box are generally padded with soft material to stop the mother of her baby from rolling them over. The box supplies the puppies with a calm cozy place to rest and feed. It’s an essential instrument to ensure the safety and health of the puppies as they grow.

For more information, click Whelping box