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Save Yemen From Being Wiped Off The Map

Yemen is currently in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. Yemen is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis.

16 million people suffer from hunger every day in Yemen and with an health system that’s almost completely collapsed because of more than seven years of war there’s no other place to turn. There’s nowhere else to turn to for assistance than the comfort of home, whether dead or alive. COVID19 victims are starving because doctors lack the resources to treat them. They’re too distracted fighting each other rather than focusing on saving their lives.

The deteriorating conditions in the country have created a perfect setting for sexual transmission of HIV. 4 million people are living in poverty, and without a home to call their own. The price of food is rising and wages remain in the low range. That means there isn’t enough money is available to meet basic needs such as drinking water that is safe and health care. This is the reason it will be extremely difficult to stop this pandemic without assistance from overseas. However, we must to act quickly before it’s too too late.

While the Yemenite population has been fighting Cholera spreading for a while but it’s not completely safe. With the help of international organizations such as World Vision UK and Save The Children US along with COVID -19 being in place, it seems that there is some promise on the horizon.

How can you assist Yemeni people by donating to Welfare Trusts

The welfare trusts provide food and water for millions of people during times of immense suffering. They have a COVID-19 kit for hygiene to protect against infection, which has already killed many Yemenis.

In Yemen, welfare trusts have been working with a lot of energy over the last few years to assist the most in need. They provide aid to those in need, even in times of conflict or difficulty getting to their destination. This is why they’re important for international organizations.

In an era when many people are struggling to make ends meet and are struggling to make ends meet, we’re grateful that there’s help to those in need. We’re hoping that through working with local organizations and helping people to purchase food or cash, we can help those in need to get over hunger.

Many generous donors have given their time and money to offer women in Yemen the chance to have a fresh start in their life. Maternity facilities, which are a welfare trust, get charitable donations to ensure that every woman can deliver safely without suffering from illness or dehydration when laboring. Rehabilitation centers provide post-birth care and medication for mothers to help them return back to society.

Many welfare trusts have started offering hygiene kits to families in makeshift camp sites. They also supply safe water to schools as well as hospitals as a way of responding.

For more information, click donate to yemen